
Saturday, February 19, 2011

We Interrupt This Marriage For . . .

We hadn't been married very long in the early 80's when I realized that occasionally football came before me. Not all the time; just Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights. Now back in the day I still had a good bit of free time (meaning no children!) and enjoyed cross stitching. Does anyone still do that? Anyways, while Dan watched football, I cross stitched (or did laundry, or the dishes, sewed, cleaned or went shopping).

There aren't a whole lot of things you can cross stitch for an outdoors kind of guy, but I found something that fit him perfect. A small cross stitch sampler that had a football goal, football, and heads of the people in the stands with the saying, "We interrupt this Marriage for the Football Season!". Perfect!! So I cross stitched away and gave him his gift. He was impressed.

Now almost 30 years later, I have come to realize that simple saying, "We interrupt this Marriage for . . . " is a powerful piece of advice. In the last 29+ years, our marriage has been interrupted for any number of activities - football, fishing, camping, hunting, 4-wheeling, time with the guys, and now the most recent . . . a boat - a fixer upper no less! He boasts to his buddies that when we were first married, and he would head off with some friends for a day (or weekend) I was so sad to see him go. Now I tell him to go and have fun! I now welcome the time alone to go off and do the things I enjoy or to stay at home and relish the peace and quiet. If you know my husband, you know that we are total opposites. He is the outgoing, always talking, never met a stranger kind of person who falls asleep and wakes up talking while I am much more introverted and quiet. I love my peace and quiet!

All of this to say that these interruptions have been good for us and I think we are both happier for the time apart, but we also enjoy our time together more!

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